“The monitoring of the Situation Center includes 500 troubled enterprises where protests are possible. Thanks to the measures taken, the situation at 448 enterprises has been resolved and they have been removed from monitoring. To date, risks still persist at 52 enterprises and measures are being taken on them by local executive bodies. It is worth noting, that since the beginning of the year, 34 protest actions have taken place at these 448 enterprises with the suspension of work for 3 or more hours. According to the labor code, this already provides for administrative and disciplinary responsibility. Of the 34 protests, 33 took place on the territory of the Mangistau region, 1 - in Atyrau. In 27 cases, the demands of employees found a compromise solution, the enterprises are working. Promotions continue at 6 enterprises. Akimats (they Mayor’s offices) carry out activities within the framework of the developed algorithm, which is approved by the Government's decree,” the speaker noted.