“In order to prevent and avoid violations, 2,800 enterprises have introduced safety and labor protection standards. More than 16,000 works councils have been created and are operating at the enterprises, whose tasks include organizing inspections of working conditions at workplaces with the participation of more than 21,000 technical labor protection inspectors. Since 2019, we have been actively working to promote the Concept of "Zero Injuries - Vision Zero" - this is the "gold standard", which provides for 7 rules. To date, 292 enterprises have joined it. Together with the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a socially important project "People's Control" is being implemented, which provides for the involvement of people with disabilities who were injured at work as "people's controllers". To date, 164 enterprises are implementing this project, more than 500 people work within its framework,” the speaker noted.

In addition, the akimats of the regions, together with the employers who have committed the largest number of accidents, have carried out work to approve individual action plans to ensure safe working conditions. The plans have been approved in 173 enterprises of the country.