It is also planned to ensure the availability of geological information as part of the implementation of the National Data Bank project. It includes the accumulated data of the state data bank on subsoil and subsoil use, work with users on the principle of a single window online.
The consumers of reliable, high-quality and digitized geological information that meets international standards will be both the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and national companies, investors, subsoil users, scientific organizations and universities.
“According to the Decree, today work is underway to reorganize the limited liability partnership “Republican Center for Geological Information Kazgeoinform” by transforming it into a JSC National Geological Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with 100% participation of the state in its authorized capital. The next stage is planned to join JSC "National Geological Exploration Company "Kazgeology" to it in the prescribed manner. The merger of LLP “ RCGI Kazgeoinform” and JSC “Kazgeology” will provide a much broader and more relevant range of tasks, taking into account the priority areas of the industry using international standards and the experience of advanced foreign countries such as the UK, Canada, Finland,” the speaker noted.
The main activities of the created service, which will be the center of competence: science, new technologies, state geological study of the subsoil, services, core storage, laboratories with international accreditation for conducting qualitative research; stock storage for the collection, storage, processing, systematization and presentation of geological information; investment block - the formation of investment projects with high prospecting reserves of promising subsoil areas; state monitoring; National database - automation of all business processes on a single platform "Kaznedra".